thank you for your continued support and attendance.

Dear Partners,

With our first virtual partnership meeting now safely under our belt, we would like to take the time to thank our team, attendees, and partners who made it to this year’s meeting on December 9, 2020. It was wonderful to have so many of our Partners join us. 

Since the meeting we have received so much positive feedback and every year we learn more and more about what it is our Partners are hoping to take away from the meeting. If you have any comments or feedback, please complete our short survey, we would greatly appreciate it. We thank you in advance for your comments and suggestions and we assure you that each will be given consideration so that future meetings and events will be even more of a success.

If you did not get a chance to attend our Annual Meeting – you can now view the full presentation as shown on this page, also available to view on SlideShare.

Do you have a minute?

We truly value your opinion and would greatly appreciate your feedback.

Download Presentation

If you would like a copy of the presentation slides please click below.


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